The pyramidal Mount Alpamayo, is considered one of the most beautiful mountains in the world. The ascent towards the summit is very steep and is mostly technical climbing. It is recommended, that this mountain only be climbed by well acclimatized people who have reached the top of other peaks before attacking Alpamayo.
One of the first conquerors (Günther Hauser) described his impressions of the Alpamayo with the following words:" A dream mountain appears above the valleys of the northern Cordillera Blanca, how only children who have never seen a mountain would dare to sketch it.
That's the Alpayamo and not a dream, it is the reality. From one side you will see it as a symmetric pyramid, whose branches are covered with huge ice balcons. The other face of the Alpamayo, the trapeze shapes of the southwestern wall, is even more beautiful. Through the concurrence of the almost vertical appearing burning tropical sun at midday and the rising, damp air masses from the jungle, the wall has been covered by fine riffles.
From this side now the mountain looks almost like a white cathedral. " (Günther Hauser)